Ihre Sicherheit in guter Hand

State-of-the-art equipment, highly trained experts and practical security concepts characterize our range of services.

Your security in the best hands

State-of-the-art equipment, highly trained experts and practical security concepts characterize our range of services.

Plant and property security

protects buildings and facilities against unauthorized access, theft and vandalism through surveillance and access controls.

Schutz- und Sprengstoff-spürhundeteams

erkennen zuverlässig Sprengstoffe und sichern gefährdete Bereiche.

Reception and telephone services

include the reception of visitors and the processing of telephone inquiries for professional communication.

Airport security

protects passengers and infrastructure through targeted measures and ensures safe operations.

Notruf- und Serviceleitstelle

nimmt Notrufe entgegen und koordiniert Sofortmaßnahmen für schnelle Reaktionen und Sicherheit.

Preventive and defensive fire protection

includes measures to prevent and fight fires to protect life and property.

Technical services

such as alarm systems, video surveillance and access control for the highest security requirements.

Service not included?

Simply let us know what service you require:

Ihre Sicherheit in guter Hand

State-of-the-art equipment, highly trained experts and practical security concepts characterize our range of services.

Plant and property security

protects buildings and facilities against unauthorized access, theft and vandalism through surveillance and access controls.

Bewaffnete Sicherheitsdienstleistungen

bieten Schutz durch qualifizierte Sicherheitskräfte, die bewaffnet sind, um auf hochriskante Bedrohungen zu reagieren.

Schutz- und Sprengstoff-spürhundeteams

erkennen zuverlässig Sprengstoffe und sichern gefährdete Bereiche.

Reception and telephone services

include the reception of visitors and the processing of telephone inquiries for professional communication.

Airport security

protects passengers and infrastructure through targeted measures and ensures safe operations.

Notruf- und Serviceleitstelle

nimmt Notrufe entgegen und koordiniert Sofortmaßnahmen für schnelle Reaktionen und Sicherheit.

Preventive and defensive fire protection

includes measures to prevent and fight fires to protect life and property.

Technical services

such as alarm systems, video surveillance and access control for the highest security requirements.

Service not included?

Simply let us know what service you require:

Your trusted security partner.

Führende Unternehmen und Institutionen vertrauen auf Pond Security. Unsere Sicherheitslösungen schützen Bundesweit namhafte Organisationen in Industrie, Handel und dem öffentlichen Sektor.